The income-generating social network, that earns you money as you create, share and support good content. Built on Ethereum.
Cent is an incentive lab where users can experiment with powerful incentive mechanisms that help exchange creative value for financial value. These incentive mechanisms are layered on top of a larger Income Network.
Users post their art, writing, videos, pictures, songs, podcasts and other content, and other users can support them using cryptocurrency.
*[Post & Earn]*
Post your writing, photos, videos, songs and other original content to the Cent Network and earn.
Each post becomes an income source for the creator of the post and those who interact with it.
*[Earn by supporting early-stage creators and content]*
Support early stage creators by Seeding them. Seeding incentivizes fans to discover and support creators early.
Add a financial incentive (a boost) to bring automatic engagement to your post.
The incentive boost is automatically issued to the best replies after a pre-set time.